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on image to get enlarged view.)
Portrait of Thomas Betterton (1635-1710) as Hamlet. Full length, slightly to left,
facing slightly to left. This would appear to be the moment at which Hamlet first
sees the Ghost. He wears long dark wig, long black coat, black knee-length breeches,
black stockings (not 'down gyved') and shoes. His short cloak has a purple tinge.
His position is that of the famous 'start'. Legs wide apart, the right advanced,
and weight back on the rear (left) leg, he extends both arms in front of him,
palms open, as though he is starting back from some horror. His mouth is partially
open as if in fright. No other characters are visible, and he appears to be standing
in front of a blank wall. The impression is that of a stage performance.
Folger Act/Sc/L: 1.4.43
Arden Act/Sc/L: 1.4.39
TLN: 624.00
Artist: Anonymous
Artist (Original work): Anonymous
Date (Original work):
Medium: Ink and watercolour (unsigned and undated)
Size: 22.8 x 15.6 cms; 9 x 6 3/16 in (no border)
Actor: Betterton, Thomas
Location: FSL. Art Box B565 no. 1.