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on image to get enlarged view.)
The murder of King Hamlet by Claudius. The King lies sleeping, his head upon a
pillow to left, a dagger or sword on the ground in front of him. Claudius leans
over him from behind and pours the poison into his ear. Below is quotation: 'Sleeping
within my orchard.'
Folger Act/Sc/L: 1.5.42
Arden Act/Sc/L: 1.5.35
TLN: 722.00
Artist: Browne, Gordon
Artist (Original work): Browne, Gordon
Date: 1902 ?
Date (Original work):
Medium: Engraving (wood) (signed 'G.B.') 1/4 in
Location: FSL. Shakespeare Misc. 1878. Mary MacLeod, THE SHAKESPEARE STORY-BOOK,
with intorudction by Sidney Lee and illustrations by Gordon Browne (London: Wells
Gardner, Darton, [1902]), p. 289.